AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: CI/CD

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Deploying to Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow with CI/CD tools

Apache Airflow‘s active open source community, familiar Python development as directed acyclic graph (DAG) workflows, and extensive library of pre-built integrations have helped it become a leading tool for data scientists and engineers for creating data pipelines. Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) is a fully managed service that makes running open source […]

Canary Testing with AWS App Mesh and Tekton

Canary Testing with AWS App Mesh and Tekton

Planning a release from product strategy to product delivery is a complex process with multiple interconnected services and workflows. On top of that, creating and deploying new versions of services into production has always been a challenge for developers. DevOps teams must choose an effective deployment strategy to enable Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) […]

Apply GitOps to Everything

How to Apply GitOps to Everything Using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Crossplane, and Flux

Open source Crossplane enables GitOps to be applied virtually everywhere using Kubernetes as a proxy to provision and manage cloud resources. This article will take you in a step-by-step workflow to provision Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters and an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database the GitOps way using Crossplane and Flux.

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Adding security workflows to OpenTelemetry

In this blog post, intern engineers Karen Xu and Kelvin Lo describe their experience working in the popular open source project, OpenTelemetry. They describe how they added security scanning workflows to the project, including how it supports a major milestone in readying the software for production use. In any important and widely adopted open source […]

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Serverless COBOL: Rejuvenating legacy code with open source software — Part 2

The benefits of the serverless architecture are not reserved to newly written applications. Legacy code can be combined with leading-edge technologies by deploying them in a cloud platform. This will ensure reuse of the massive existing legacy assets and further extend their life, thus using them in new ways. Serverless COBOL: Rejuvenating legacy code with […]

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Declarative provisioning of AWS resources with Spinnaker and Crossplane

This post was written by Steve Borrelli, Rob Clark, Manabu McCloskey, Vikrant Kahlir, and Nima Kaviani. In a previous blog post, we discussed how GitOps, declarative definition of infrastructure and application resources, and using technologies such as AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and Crossplane have enabled DevOps engineers to reduce complexity and improve visibility into […]

CD Foundation Logo

AWS is doubling down on improving the open source continuous delivery experience for our customers

We are thrilled to announce that AWS is joining the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) as a Premier member. Continuous delivery is the bridge between software that our customers build and cloud services that AWS offers, and CDF is the interface to the community that is driving many important innovations in this space. We join the […]

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Cloud governance and compliance on AWS with policy as code

To stay competitive, organizations must innovate faster and operate more efficiently, and using dynamic and highly scalable cloud resources can help. IT teams can shift from the mindset of a binary choice between business agility and governance control, to a mindset that includes speed and governance over cost, security, compliance, and more. The following common […]