AWS Architecture Blog

When the application experiences an impairment using S3 resources in the primary Region, it fails over to use an S3 bucket in the secondary Region.

Creating an organizational multi-Region failover strategy

AWS Regions provide fault isolation boundaries that prevent correlated failure and contain the impact from AWS service impairments to a single Region when they occur. You can use these fault boundaries to build multi-Region applications that consist of independent, fault-isolated replicas in each Region that limit shared fate scenarios. This allows you to build multi-Region […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Discovering Generative AI on AWS

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is a type of AI used to generate content, including conversations, images, videos, and music. Generative AI can be used directly to build customer-facing features (a chatbot or an image generator), or it can serve as an underlying component in a more complex system. For example, it can generate embeddings […]

This visual summarizes the cost prediction and model training processes. Users request cost predictions for future workflow runs on a web frontend hosted in AWS Amplify. The frontend passes the requests to an Amazon API Gateway endpoint with Lambda integration. The Lambda function retrieves the suitable model endpoint from the DynamoDB table and invokes the model via the Amazon SageMaker API. Model training runs on a schedule and is orchestrated by an AWS Step Functions state machine. The state machine queries training datasets from the DynamoDB table. If the new model performs better, it is registered in the SageMaker model registry. Otherwise, the state machine sends a notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic stating that there are no updates.

Genomics workflows, Part 6: cost prediction

Genomics workflows run on large pools of compute resources and take petabyte-scale datasets as inputs. Workflow runs can cost as much as hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Given this large scale, scientists want to estimate the projected cost of their genomics workflow runs before deciding to launch them. In Part 6 of this series, […]

Chaos engineering pattern for hybrid architecture (3-tier application)

London Stock Exchange Group uses chaos engineering on AWS to improve resilience

This post was co-written with Luke Sudgen, Lead DevOps Engineer Post Trade, and Padraig Murphy, Solutions Architect Post Trade, from London Stock Exchange Group. In this post, we’ll discuss some failure scenarios that were tested by London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Post Trade Technology teams during a chaos engineering event supported by AWS. Chaos engineering […]

Intelligent search bot for enterprise document management systems

Simplify document search at scale with intelligent search bot on AWS

Enterprise document management systems (EDMS) manage the lifecycle and distribution of documents. They often rely on keyword-based search functionality. However, it increasingly becomes hard to discover documents as such repositories grow to tens of thousands of items. In this blog, we discuss how Amazon Web Services (AWS) built an intelligent search bot on top of […]

Architecture for wind turbine digital twin solution

Physics on AWS: Optimizing wind turbine performance using OpenFAST in a digital twin

Wind energy plays a crucial role in global decarbonization efforts by generating emission-free power from an abundant resource. In 2022, wind energy produced 2100 terawatt-hours (TWh) globally, or over 7% of global electricity, with expectations to reach 7400 TWh by 2030. Despite its potential, several challenges must be addressed to help meet grid decarbonization targets. […]

Infrastructure for the chaos experiment

Behavior Driven Chaos with AWS Fault Injection Simulator

A common challenge organizations face is how to gain confidence in and provide evidence for the continuous resilience of their workloads. Using modern chaos engineering principles can help in meeting this challenge, but the practice of chaos engineering can become complex. As a result, both the definition of the inputs and comprehension of the outputs […]

End-to-end solution using Zurich's tooling

How Zurich Insurance Group built their Scalable Account Vending process using AWS Account Factory for Terraform

Introduction Zurich Insurance Group is a leading multi-line global insurer operating in more than 200 territories. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, their main business is life and property and casualty (P&C) insurance. In 2022, Zurich began a multi-year program to accelerate their digital transformation and innovation through migration of 1,000 workloads to AWS, including core insurance […]

Unified API architecture

How Sonar built a unified API on AWS

SonarCloud, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product developed by Sonar, seamlessly integrates into developers’ CI/CD workflows to increase code quality and identify vulnerabilities. Over the last few months, Sonar’s cloud engineers have worked on modernizing SonarCloud to increase the lead time to production. Following Domain Driven Design principles, Sonar split the application into multiple business domains, each […]