
Check back soon to learn more about the 2024 AWS New York Summit.

AWS Summit New York is now wrapped! Thank you to all who attended and we can't wait to see you at Summit 2024!

Catch up on 2023 content by watching our keynote and learn how generative AI is transforming organizations, across all kinds of industries and applications.

Meet the Speakers

Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of Databases, Analytics, and ML at AWS

Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of Databases, Analytics, and ML at AWS

Swami Sivasubramanian is the Vice President for Databases, Analytics, and AI & Machine Learning Services at AWS. His team’s mission is to put the power of databases, analytics, and machine learning capabilities in the hands of every business, including developers, data scientists, and business users. Swami and his team innovate across multiple areas, from databases (e.g., Amazon RDS, Aurora to NoSQL databases like DynamoDB, ElastiCache, MemoryDB and Neptune), to analytics (e.g., Redshift, EMR, Athena, QuickSight, Lakeformation, Glue, OpenSearch), to machine learning (e.g., frameworks and infrastructure, Amazon SageMaker) and AI services (e.g., Transcribe, Translate, Textract, Rekognition, Personalize). His team also works to deliver needle-moving capabilities in data and ML for specific verticals, use cases, and initiatives like Health AI (e.g., HealthLake, Comprehend Medical, Transcribe Medical), Industrial (e.g.,Lookout for Equipment, Lookout for Metrics, Lookout for Vision, Panorama), Contact Center AI (e.g., Contact Lens with Amazon Connect), Financial services (e.g., FinSpace, Amazon Managed Blockchain), and Enterprise Search (Kendra).

Gabrielle Tao, SVP, Product Management, Salesforce

Gabrielle Tao, SVP, Product Management, Salesforce

Gabrielle Tao joined Salesforce in 2019 as the Senior Vice President of Product Management. She manages the Data Cloud and Tableau Data within Salesforce. Gabrielle has over two decades of experience in product management in various domains including data, analytics, and data science.

Lindsay Silver, SVP,  Data and Commercial Technology, FOX Corporation

Lindsay Silver, SVP, Data and Commercial Technology, FOX Corporation

Lindsay Silver is the SVP of Data and Commercial Technology at FOX. Prior to joining FOX, Lindsay served as Global Vice President, Platform Technology and U.S. Head of Product at Condé Nast where he drove the development of Condé Nast’s products across content management, consumer, and advertising product areas. Before Condé Nast, Lindsay worked at a variety of technology companies in engineering and product management roles, always focused on developing systems that empowered users using data and thoughtful UIs.

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